Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What's up?

 Met Colin James Neville! March 30th, 2012. Heaven on earth right there. 

 Ice cream with Sadi Ladi.

 Learning how to run replay at a baseball shoot. 

 Car ride with the sis. 

 Got home from Spring Break and found this fun pile waiting for me at work.

 Hangin' out with the bros. 

 Rome's baby blessing day! Mohawk! 


Being constantly in my car driving to school, work, shoots, etc and loving being so busy. 

7 years.

The other day my siblings and I randomly ended up sitting around the kitchen table discussing where we would all be in 7 years. This is what we came up with:

Chance, 30 years old. Married with 3 kiddos.
Me, 28 years old. Married with 2 kids.
Jaron, 26 years old. Married with a kid.
Jaelon, 24 years old, Married with a kid. (We originally said 5 kids because we like to tease Jae like that but at most she'll only have 4 by this time.)
Kaden, 21. RM! Ladies fighting to the death to get to date him.
Cole, 18. Graduated High School, preparing for the mish.
Sadi, 15. Learning to drive (careful on the roads, folks). Excited to drive the new car my parents will buy her because she's a spoiled brat.

Parents, age ??. GRANDPARENTS. Finally, grandparents to at least 7 grandbabies.

I can't wait to see how accurate this is going to be. I have to prove Chance wrong because he originally said, "Bri, 28 with 12 cats." No faith, Brother.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Best feeling in my world.

You know that feeling you get when you find a song and immediately become obsessed with it and can't stop listening to it? And you swear on everything that you believe in that you will never become sick of it even though you've had the same feeling a thousand other times with a thousand other songs and you always do eventually stop listening to them but this time you swear it's for real and you won't ever ever take the song off of repeat? That's the best feeling ever. And that's how I currently feel about the song Knights of Shame by Awolnation.

A close second is when you hear a song you used to be obsessed with randomly on the radio after not hearing it for months. That's how I always feel when Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon comes on the radio.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sadi Lady

"Ok here's the thing: If I was him I would be laughing so hard. I can not look forward at someone without laughing", says Sadi Mae, the cutie pie that she is. P.S "him" is the guy on the very right.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hot tubbing in the snow with the coolest people I know

To preface this story I'd like to say that my parents are rad.

Last night my mom, Jaron, and I got home from the gym around 830 and my mom was upset because my dad was in the garage working out instead of making sure the kids took showers and went to bed at a decent time. So she got them all clean and in bed by a little after nine. The parents then decided to go hot tubbing.

 Chance, Jaron, and I were upstairs watching some television when I glanced out the window and saw that it was snowing outside. The three of us sat there fascinated for about a minute before Jaron decided the kids needed to see this so he started running downstairs to wake them up. Chance yelled after him, "Mom just got them in bed, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Then all of a sudden I hear my dad's truck pull up and he runs in the house, wakes up the kids himself and tells them to put on their swim suits because "hot tubbing in the snow is my favorite!"

 In 5 minutes flat the entire Trotter clan was sitting in a steamy hot tub with snow falling down around us. Discussion eventually turned to the Polar Bear Club (jumping in a freezing cold pool in the winter) and those of us who weren't members decided there probably wasn't a better time to join than 1030 on a random Wednesday night while it was snowing in St. George, Utah. So yes, we all jumped into the pool. I did it twice for good measure, and I don't think I've ever been that cold. Hot tubbing was followed by a late night breakfast of crepes, and I just gotta say I love these people I call my family.

 So here's to parents who wake up their sleeping kids and let them skip school just to make a great memory.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Oh ya and Valentine's Day

It was a pretty uneventful but fun day. "We" (the group) all went out to dinner at the romantic place that is Denny's. And yes, the group includes two of my brothers and my ex. That tells you about where my love life is at right now. When I got home I saw my dad's gift to my mom which was a heart-shaped balloon with two roses inside. It had a card with it that said, "Love you dammit". I laughed and went to bed. The end.


I learned how to hem pants. This is a big deal. I felt very womanly. I liked it. I did. Yay.

See what I did there? 6,5,4,3,2,1. Only 2 and 1 were intentional. 

It's important for me to feel womanly in these types of ways because I am not married, and most assuredly not pregnant. When I see the daily engagement announcement on facebook, sure, I kinda want that to happen to me. And when I see cute pregnant bellies, sure, I kinda feel like I want one of those. But then I have really fun weekends filled with dance parties, and hot tubs, and flirting, and laughing and I think, "Bri, this is fun, stay here right now". And then I go to yoga and go for runs and think "Bri, you want a six pack right now, not a big belly". And of course, there is that part of my brain that is constantly thinking about trips, and traveling and what I can do next and where I can go next. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm really happy with where my life is at right now. I'm where I am supposed to be, and having a dang good time.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Yes, this. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Trotter Family Quotes.

Sadi: I don't even know what sassy mean.
Me: It means you're a brat.
         Sadi glares. 
Sadi: Like you? (in her snobbiest voice ever)

Chance: I think that's the problem; I'm too nice.
Sadi: You were mean when you were little though. (dead serious)
          Chance wrestles Sadi to the ground. 

Kaden: Look, Bri, I have a Hi-Chew! (it's a candy)
Me: Bless you.
Kaden: What...? (looks really confused)
            I giggle. 
        ...30 seconds later.
Kaden: I get it! (busts up laughing)

Have I mentioned I love these guys? They're definitely the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A recipe for a happy girl

I think I'm really going to enjoy my classes this semester.

First up: Television production @ 8am. I think this class will be interesting and hands on enough to wake me up in the mornings.
Second: Media and society. It should be a really interesting and fun class and seems to have a lot of cool people in it.
Third: Math. Eh. Actually it's statistics and I think I'm gonna kind of like it... You know, as much as I am able to like math.
Fourth: an online class called Being Digital. Not too sure about it yet but the teacher seems rad so there's that.

My teacher for my first two classes kind of reminds me of Cameron Diaz. She has a lot of energy and seems super nice and cool. She used to work for the Today Show in New York so she's legit. Bonus: she's prego so our classes will be getting done about 2 weeks early this semester!

Also work is going really well. I'm catching on and feel pretty confident in almost every aspect of the job. I really like the people I work with. Everyone is so friendly and the environment is very small town, strong sense of community type workplace. Ace is the Place!

Basically, I'm busy, busy, busy, which is the magic recipe for a happy girl. Life is wonderful.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Story of my life

   Last night I had a first-day-of-school outfit all picked out, ready to go (juvenile as that is). I also had my bag ready with my new notebook and my favorite pencil inside. I was ready for school. Well...I haven't had the best sleeping habits as of late and falling asleep around 2:30am has become the norm . Since I had to get up at 6:50 for my 8 o clock class I decided to take some Motrin PM to help me fall asleep sooner. Big mistake. 
   I took two pills at about 10 o clock and laid in bed reading, hoping to be in dream land by 10:30/11ish. As you've probably assumed, that didn't happen. My legs start tripping out. I would feel this ticklish/itchy feeling start creeping up in my legs and I would have to move them to get it out. So every 15 seconds (or at least that's what it felt like) I would be thrashing my legs around, trying to get them to feel normal. I lifted my head up to look for my phone to see what time it was and it weighed 300 pounds. Then I lifted my arm up to grab my phone and it too weighed 300 pounds. My body felt so heavy and so so tired yet I couldn't fall asleep. I was trying not to freak out too bad because I thought that might wake me up more so I silently tried to calm myself down, and relax enough to drift off. That never works. 
   I don't know what time I fell asleep last night but all of a sudden I woke up, checked my phone and saw that it was 7:47. Great. I didn't even hear my alarm go off. The funny thing is I was vividly dreaming about Peter Pan and Captain Hook so it must have went off and the Captain Hook inside of me turned it off really quickly. Because he hates clocks so apparently in my head that means he hates alarm clocks too so it had to be destroyed at once! Quick before the mind registers what's happening and makes the body get out of the warm, cozy bed! I don't know, guys. All I know is that I ate some breakfast, put on jeans, a hoodie and slippers, brushed my teeth, and left. No first day outfit. No cutesy first day impression. Just me keepin' it real in my glasses, make-up free face, and bed head. Hawt. 

   Talk about         expectations           vs.                          reality!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

School, schmool.

When you wake up one day at noon and eat Cheetos for breakfast while watching T.V you know it's time for school to start. 
I think it's good for me to get to this point because then I'm actually excited to go to school. 
Ya know, be productive, get up at decent hours, work toward my future. 
That's good, right?
Well I hope everybody got their fresh, new paper, favorite writing utensil and something new to wear for the first day! And here's to hoping there are a lot of cool, new people in my classes! 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A conversation.

Setting: sitting next to my mom at home eating some dinner.
Sadi approaches. 

Sadi, "Bri, I'm gonna need you to give me a favor."
Bri, "Give you a favor?"
Sadi, "Yes, I need you to give me a favor."
Bri, "Do you mean do you a favor?"
Sadi, "Ya, do me a favor."
Bri, "Ok, what is it?"
Sadi, "I'm gonna need you to have a baby."
*laughter erupts*
Sadi, "So could you do that tomorrow?"
Bri, "How long do you think it takes to have a baby?"
Sadi, "Like a day."

Oh geez. 
Now I've got pressure from my 7 year old sister?? 
This is just getting ridiculous. 

Don't worry, we explained that it takes a bit longer than a day to have a baby. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ringing in 2012...Vegas style.

Ok so it wasn't exactly Vegas "style". If we did it Vegas style I would have been in 4 inch sparkling stilettos, a  4 inch sparkling dress, 4 pounds of sparkling make up, and no jacket or coat of any kind. Oh, and I probably wouldn't be able to write this post because I'd have been so sloshed I wouldn't remember what went down.  
But we were in Vegas!
 {I wore jeans, boots, a sweater and a coat, and brought gloves and a beanie with me. Sexy stuff, let me tell ya.}
The night was filled with walking the strip, random dance parties, catching marti gras beads that were being thrown from a balcony, lots of people-watching, and a lot of photobombing done by Mr. Thompson.

When the countdown started I realized we were in the perfect center of all the fireworks that were being shot off from 4 hotels and right by a huge countdown screen.  Couldn't have planned it better. It was pretty exhilarating to be surrounded by so many people all yelling, "10...9...8...........3...2...1!!" The atmosphere was very unified.
 That lasted about 10 minutes.
 Everyone stood around for 7ish minutes getting their kisses, saying happy new year and being generally excited. Then people decided it was time to start moving again. And everyone- I'm going to repeat for emphasis- everyone wanted to go a different direction. It was a mosh pit with no music. The first few minutes of the mosh pit everyone seemed to think it was quite amusing that we all wanted to move but couldn't, and one could look around and see plenty of smiling faces. Then that atmosphere changed. If one dared to look around you would see tears, fighting, and impatient facial expressions. Through some miracle we were able to make it out alive, disease-free, and still together. 
We decided to start the trek back to the car and I made it right before my feet gave up and made my knees do the rest of the work. Bed time was 430am. 
HAPPY 2012!

Monday, January 2, 2012


-Finally get my associates
-Complete 10 classes towards my bachelor's degree
-Get straight a's

-Read the Book of Mormon cover to cover
-Get more involved with my ward
-Listen to all of General Conference. Attend a session.

-Pay off credit cards
-Pay off car
-Start a 5 year term deposit account

-Become a happier person
-Serve others more often
-Don't judge
-Make new friends

-Puerto Rico

-Run the St. George marathon
-Complete a sprint triathalon
-Less sugar
-Ride my bike as often as possible

-Get good at my new job
-Read lots of books
-Start learning Spanish
-Learn the harmonica
-Watch Hunger Games opening night and be one of those girls that just completely freak out.

We've got 365 days, let's do this. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 was...

the year I left the country for the first time.
the year I turned 21.
the year I read the Book of Mormon cover to cover for the first time.
the year I moved out of my parent's house twice.
the year I bought a car.
the year I decided on a major.
the year I was a nanny.
the year Chance came home from his mission.
the year I watched lots of friends get married, engaged, announce pregnancies, leave on missions and return from missions.
the year I did a lot of growing up.