Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Can you believe these colors??

I don't think I've ever experienced fall colors first hand. How sad is that sentence? Don't worry, I appreciated them very much this past week to make up for my 21 years of ignorance.
After going on a hike this past Saturday among these amazing fall leaves and failing to bring my camera I had to make a return trip to capture them before they were on the ground. Fran came along and we had a lovely ride up singing lots of gangster songs. When we got there we indulged in the inevitable photo shoot, and ended the adventure chilling in the back of the newly acquired subaru, and, in my case, eating Jimmy John's. That's what I call a good Monday night.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Boys...please don't. [part two]

Please don't:
Stare. C'mon, you're mommy taught you this one.

Please don't:
Ask super intense questions on a first date. Examples of this would be:
"What does it take to grab your attention and keep it"?
"Um..I really take notice when boys don't ask me creepy questions".

Please don't:
Ask me what I'm looking for and then proceed to try to be exactly that. I see right through you. And this isn't a superpower of mine; most girls have this same ability. And really, what is the point of this?? You wanna play a character, take drama class.

Please don't:
Try to force a goodnight kiss. If I'm not feelin' it, it's not going to be a good kiss anyway, capisce? Some hints that mean 'don't you care kiss me' are:

-If I say "It's ok, you don't have to walk me to the door". Yes, I have been this bold before. No, he didn't take the hint. Yes, he did kiss me. No, it was not a good kiss. No, I don't understand boys.

-A quick hug initiated by me, followed by an immediate turn to the door where I am putting my keys in the lock as swiftly as possible.

-The words "K, thanks again, goodnight..." That means to walk to your car. Stop lingering; it ain't happening, buddy. I'm not going to have a sudden change of heart and jump you. That's a promise.

Basically I don't want no SCRUB.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Boys... Please don't. [Part one]

Please don't:
Text me constantly. It's my absolute least favorite form of communication. It isn't charming. It isn't flattering. It's usually very boring. What to do instead: ...Call! For bonus points ask me to meet up for shakes. Person to person, spoken out loud conversation is the only way to truly get to know each other. Plus shakes are yummy. So is chocolate. So are raspberries.

Please don't:
Ask me on a date and then proceed to send me a text that reads,
"Am I picking you up?"
There is a plethora of wrong with that question. First of all, you knew I didn't have a car at the time. Would you like me to bike to the Olive Garden? I guess the upside would be that I'd have a nice appetite worked up! You'd get to see me at my finest: sweating, and ravenously hungry. What a fabulous image. Secondly, correct me if I'm mistaken, but you did ask me on a date, right? Like an actual date-date? Does date mean the same thing to you and I? This isn't New York, it's Utah. OF COURSE YOU'RE PICKING ME UP, DAMN IT. Yes, this really, truly did happen. I know. I know.  It was sad. 

Please don't:
Take my flirting as a secret message that means I want to marry you. I'm 21. Single. I flirt. It's healthy. 

Please don't: 
Take my kindness as a secret message that means I want to marry you OR that I am interested in anything besides a cordial friendship. I'm nice. I have good parents.