Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Weird Sleeper.

Sunday night:
put in a movie. 
snuggle up under covers
start feeling drowsy even though it's only a little after ten
start fighting the eyelids because I want to watch my movie
start really wanting to flip onto my stomach
finally give in and flip on my stomach
.  .  .
.  .  .
wake up. 
be confused
it's light in my room
when did i fall asleep
what time is it
look at ipod
it's 430
tv is still on
oh ya i must have fallen asleep halfway into my flip-over onto my stomach
go pee
go back to bed
be really happy it's not time to wake up yet

Monday night:
get ready for bed
say prayers
turn off light
snuggle into covers
put laptop on lap
read lots of awesome blogs
put computer on ground and fall asleep in half a second
.  .  .
.  .  .
wake up
be confused
is it morning
am i late getting up
shoot, gotta make lunches
wait that light is artificial
it's my light in my room, not the sun
i specifically remember turning that off
what time is it
look at ipod
why did i even wake up
have i really only been asleep for 4 hours
i feel well rested
go pee
go back to bed
be so happy that i have a whole 4 more hours of sleep

Tuesday night:
go to sleep
wake up at 515
go pee
go back to bed
sleep until 705

What I'm trying to say here is that I've been having some weird nights! But last night wasn't too eventful so hopefully they are over. 

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