I have been trying to decide whether to do the parents together or separately.
I have obviously decided to do them together for a couple reasons.
1. Once you're married, you share everthing.
What's mine is yours, right?
2. If I did them separate it would be pretty repetitive.
You guys make one good lookin' couple!
Which turned into good lookin' kids so thank you! haha
Man, I'm gonna try and keep this short and sweet, but it's gonna be tough because I have the most amazing parents a kid could get.
I'll start at the beginning.
Thank you for taking a leap of faith and falling in love.
Thank you, Mom, for getting baptized.
Thank you for sealing us as a family in the temple.
Thank you for raising us in the church.
Thank you for changing my diapers, and letting me do my own hair when I wanted to.
Thank you for giving us beautiful, carefree childhoods, full of love, laughter, and support.
Thank you for always putting on music for me and praising my non-existent dance skills.
Thank you for introducing Chance and I to the song boot scootin' boogie.
Thank you for never worrying too much about money, and having all of us kids instead.
Thank you, Dad for working sooo hard for us every day of your life.
Thank you, Dad, for never working during any of our soccer games, track meets, etc.
Thank you, Mom, for being a stay-at-home-Mom and teaching us all those lessons that can only be learned from a Mom.
Thank you, Mom, for being my shoulder to cry on when I came home so heartbroken from a certain "friend's" birthday party one year when she treated me so horribly.
Thank you for fully supporting me in all my crazy shenanigans, like when I moved to Arizona. That was a big mistake, but you guys supported me anyway and I learned a lot from that.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for the late-night talks.
Thank you for making chocolate chip cookies, Dad; they are the bomb.
Thank you for teaching me how to work hard, and be a team-player.
Thank you for being not only my parents, but two of my best friends.
Thank you for being so fun.
Thank you, Mom, for being the cool Mom that is playing 500 with us at the park instead of sitting on the sidelines and "just watching".
Thank you, Dad, for teaching me persistence, and how to follow your dreams. I can't tell you how much I look up to you for this.
Thank you, Dad, for being Mr. Nice Guy. Everyone knows you as the biggest sweetheart, because you are so nice to everyone you meet.
Thank you, Mom, for being the perfect example of selflessness.
Thank you, Mom, for teaching me to love books.
Thank you for supporting my decision to move across the world, and welcoming me back with open arms.
Thank you for everything.
I honestly feel like I couldn't have been luckier. You guys are amazing.
Mom, one of my favorite memories of you is when we were couponing and I kept losing the coupons. We were getting so frustrated! I misplaced them for about the 5th time while we were in the cake aisle and I finally found them hanging out on a shelf. People thought we were absolutely bonkers when they walked past and saw us doubled over in laughter with tears streaming down our face. I'm cracking up right now just thinking about it.
Dad, the thing coming to mind with you is just being a little girl and feeling so safe when Dad is around.
You'd get home from work and we'd all yell, "Dad is home!" And run to you and hug your legs.
I also loved that you would always pick me up and just hold me whenever I wanted you to.
Oh this memory just popped into my head. Remember when we were all three driving in Dad's dart and the horn would randomly honk every couple of minutes.
That was hilarious/embarrassing.
I love you guys!
Can NOT wait to see you in 10 days:)
Lesson learned from parents: Absolutely everything.
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