Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bula, my friends.

I've been blogging in weird places lately. Namely, the public library and the Nadi, Fiji airport. Not that I'm complaining! Randomness of life is the best. 

Guys, I don't ever really notice humidity. People in NZ would comment on how it was a humid day and I would be like ya. . . totally. And usually i'm a pretty observant person. But both times I have stepped off of an airplane in Fiji I have been absolutely amazed at how humid it is. I have to adjust to breathing here, people. And as I'm standing at a computer kiosk writing this post I can feel sweat starting to drip down my back. Ok, that was gross. I'm sorry. But I hope that gets my point across. 

Another thing I would like to comment on at this time is how awkward it is to watch people passionately kissing at airports. I know what you're thinking. Why watch then? I can't help it. I'm already a big-time people watcher and airports are the cream of the crop for that hobby. But seriously, it's awkward. I don't think I could ever act like the couple I saw today. In the words of Junior Floyd, "Tonsil hockey! Yuck!". (Little Giants reference. If you get it, I love you.)

Well I paid 9 fijians dollars to use this computer for an hour and I am now going to spend the remainder of my time chatting on Facebook. Because that's what we humans do. 
(Seriously though, I was walking by the computers and every. single. person. had Facebook open. What is to become of us?)

See you soon Utah:)

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