Thursday, April 7, 2011


Just a couple stories I need to record before I forget them. 
Tonight at the dinner table Yas(14) and Kiera(12) asked me to say paw, as in a dog's paw (we play this game a lot at the dinner table. They have British accents so my American one is apparently entertaining). I thought they were asking me to say poor, as in, I have no money, I'm poor. 
After I understood what they were saying I expressed to them that it was weird to me that they say it with an 'r' sound in it. Then Yas brought up a guy on the radio that was making fun of English people because they are always adding 'r' sounds to words. 
That sent Kiera off on a rant about how they are the ones speaking proper English, and where did the language come from anyway? And that's how the queen talks. 
So I said, "And where does everybody want to go? America." 
(They have both told me that they want to go back to America)
Out of spite, and being the teenage girls that they are they responded with:
Yas, "No! I want to go to France"!
Kiera, "No! I want to go to Portugal!
That's when Hyrum(4) pipes up with, "I want to go to LollyPop Playland"!
Knee slapper, that one is!

Today, while waiting for the older girls to get to the car after school,  I was spinning Hyrum around outside and we both got dizzy and ended up doing a little slide down a hill. Hyrum's bum got dirty. I took his pants off of him so he wouldn't get his booster seat dirty and didn't bother putting new pants on him when we got home as he would soon change into PJ's anyway. 
About 40 minutes after we got home I noticed he was on the downstairs deck so I went out to chat with him. He had put clean shorts on so I said, "Hyrum, you got yourself clean shorts, good job"!
Hyrum, "well, look"!
And he turned around and showed me another dirty bum. 
Apparently he took another little slide down a muddy part of the grass. 

It's the little things, I'm telling ya.    :)

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