Friday, October 14, 2011

Boys...please don't. [part two]

Please don't:
Stare. C'mon, you're mommy taught you this one.

Please don't:
Ask super intense questions on a first date. Examples of this would be:
"What does it take to grab your attention and keep it"?
"Um..I really take notice when boys don't ask me creepy questions".

Please don't:
Ask me what I'm looking for and then proceed to try to be exactly that. I see right through you. And this isn't a superpower of mine; most girls have this same ability. And really, what is the point of this?? You wanna play a character, take drama class.

Please don't:
Try to force a goodnight kiss. If I'm not feelin' it, it's not going to be a good kiss anyway, capisce? Some hints that mean 'don't you care kiss me' are:

-If I say "It's ok, you don't have to walk me to the door". Yes, I have been this bold before. No, he didn't take the hint. Yes, he did kiss me. No, it was not a good kiss. No, I don't understand boys.

-A quick hug initiated by me, followed by an immediate turn to the door where I am putting my keys in the lock as swiftly as possible.

-The words "K, thanks again, goodnight..." That means to walk to your car. Stop lingering; it ain't happening, buddy. I'm not going to have a sudden change of heart and jump you. That's a promise.

Basically I don't want no SCRUB.

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