You are about to encounter an extremely unstructured/random look into the thoughts that are passing through my grey matter at this time.
I got stuck sitting next to the stinky guy on the 3 hour plane ride from Fiji to NZ.
I could immediately smell him as I sat down in the middle seat. He was sitting next to the window which I later found out he was trying to jack from it's rightful occupant, who kicked him out when she got there. Stinky punk.
Anyway, to make matters worse he decided he wanted to remove his tennis shoes!
It was seriously so bad that I had to breath through my mouth the entire ride.
I was so grateful I spent that $9 on a chocolate bar so I could put it in my mouth and suck on it to avoid tasting the stench.
Thank you, Cadbury!
I LOVE the sound of an airplane taking off.
Immediate adrenaline rush to the gut and smile to the face.
I love living on this street.
Weatherly road, how cute is that?
I walked out the door tonight with my ipod and camera, put Angels and Airwaves on shuffle and started walking. I was coming up a hill thinking about how amazing my life is right now when the song "Everything's magic" came on.
just sit back and hold on but hold on tight
prepare for the best and the fastest ride
and reach out your hand and i'll make you mine
everything, everything's magic
-Angels and Airwaves
On a musical note, I love Taylor Swift.
(I'm listening to her as I write this.)
I didn't used to, but I think I was just jealous at first.
Now I realize how talented and amazing she is.
Love the lyrics, music videos, and her hair.
I wish I could sing...
Rephrase: I wish I could sing well.
I always thought stop signs were a little demanding.
I like these better.
Oh hello, beach!
What's that, you wanna be neighbors?
Well that's fine with me; you look like you'd be a great neighbor!
I love living here.
I love driving over a hill and seeing a beautiful shot of the ocean like this.
Lucky me, it happens often!
So as I was crossing the street to turn onto my street at the end of my walk tonight there was a guy probably in his 30's walking a little ways in front of me. He turned back and saw me so he stopped and waited for me to catch up.
"Hello!" he said as he held out the bag of chips he was munching on to offer me a handful.
I replied with a hello and a polite decline of the snack.
The next thing he said pretty much sums up the main thought of the evening, and here it is:
"This place you live is a piece of paradise".
I agreed, and told him I just moved here so I was quickly discovering that fact also.
He was from Saudi Arabia and was here for a year to learn english.
He's been to Florida, and Washington D.C in the states and commented that my english was "more clear than his teacher's".
What a great way to end the night, eh?
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