Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hot tubbing in the snow with the coolest people I know

To preface this story I'd like to say that my parents are rad.

Last night my mom, Jaron, and I got home from the gym around 830 and my mom was upset because my dad was in the garage working out instead of making sure the kids took showers and went to bed at a decent time. So she got them all clean and in bed by a little after nine. The parents then decided to go hot tubbing.

 Chance, Jaron, and I were upstairs watching some television when I glanced out the window and saw that it was snowing outside. The three of us sat there fascinated for about a minute before Jaron decided the kids needed to see this so he started running downstairs to wake them up. Chance yelled after him, "Mom just got them in bed, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Then all of a sudden I hear my dad's truck pull up and he runs in the house, wakes up the kids himself and tells them to put on their swim suits because "hot tubbing in the snow is my favorite!"

 In 5 minutes flat the entire Trotter clan was sitting in a steamy hot tub with snow falling down around us. Discussion eventually turned to the Polar Bear Club (jumping in a freezing cold pool in the winter) and those of us who weren't members decided there probably wasn't a better time to join than 1030 on a random Wednesday night while it was snowing in St. George, Utah. So yes, we all jumped into the pool. I did it twice for good measure, and I don't think I've ever been that cold. Hot tubbing was followed by a late night breakfast of crepes, and I just gotta say I love these people I call my family.

 So here's to parents who wake up their sleeping kids and let them skip school just to make a great memory.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Oh ya and Valentine's Day

It was a pretty uneventful but fun day. "We" (the group) all went out to dinner at the romantic place that is Denny's. And yes, the group includes two of my brothers and my ex. That tells you about where my love life is at right now. When I got home I saw my dad's gift to my mom which was a heart-shaped balloon with two roses inside. It had a card with it that said, "Love you dammit". I laughed and went to bed. The end.


I learned how to hem pants. This is a big deal. I felt very womanly. I liked it. I did. Yay.

See what I did there? 6,5,4,3,2,1. Only 2 and 1 were intentional. 

It's important for me to feel womanly in these types of ways because I am not married, and most assuredly not pregnant. When I see the daily engagement announcement on facebook, sure, I kinda want that to happen to me. And when I see cute pregnant bellies, sure, I kinda feel like I want one of those. But then I have really fun weekends filled with dance parties, and hot tubs, and flirting, and laughing and I think, "Bri, this is fun, stay here right now". And then I go to yoga and go for runs and think "Bri, you want a six pack right now, not a big belly". And of course, there is that part of my brain that is constantly thinking about trips, and traveling and what I can do next and where I can go next. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm really happy with where my life is at right now. I'm where I am supposed to be, and having a dang good time.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Yes, this.